Focused on preservation, we take a disciplined approach to managing risk and taxes, building diversified portfolios to last a lifetime – and beyond.

Three Equity Factors
Stocks have higher expected returns than fixed incomes.
Small company stocks have higher expected returns than large company stocks.
Lower-priced "value" stocks have higher expected returns than higher-priced "growth" stocks.
Risk Means Opportunity
We stand by the philosophy that investors are rewarded in proportion to the risk they take. Framing decisions around compensated risk factors in the equity and bond markets connects investors to the forces that create opportunities to build wealth over time. While returns come from risk, not all risk is created equal. We believe that everything we have learned about expected returns in the equity markets can be summarized in three dimensions. The first dimension is that stocks are riskier than bonds and have greater expected returns. Relative performance among stocks is largely driven by the two other dimensions: small/large and value/growth. Many economists believe that small cap and value stocks outperform because the market rationally discounts their prices to reflect underlying risk. The lower prices give investors greater upside as compensation for bearing this risk.
The Fixed Income Factors
We approach fixed income primarily as a strategy to maximize overall portfolio performance. Shorter-term, high-quality debt instruments tend to have less risk. In other words, longer-term instruments are risker than shorter-term ones, and instruments of lower credit quality are riskier than those with higher credit quality. Our lower-risk bond strategies help temper total portfolio volatility to take more risk in equities, where expected returns are greater.
Deliberate & Diversified
We believe that diversification is essential to a solid investment strategy because it washes away the random fortunes of individual stocks and positions portfolios to capture the returns of broad economic forces. We diversify not only in the amount of securities held but also in the range of capital market strategies we explore and develop. In this way, we focus on the factors that drive investment returns and reduce excess and undesirable risk. Specifically, we diversify your portfolio based on your risk/reward ratio and your objectives.

A Focus on Tax Minimization
Dedicated to preserving capital through investment management and tax management
Global Trust portfolios enable you to earn the returns that capital markets provide by 1) combining the broad diversification, low cost, and reliable asset class exposure of passive and active strategies and 2) adding value through offering products and designed portfolios that have implemented financial engineering, trading, diversification, and asset class integration into strategies to maximize return within the portfolio’s unique risk environment.
Active Asset Allocation
Structure, or asset mix, determines most of the performance in a diversified portfolio. We take a disciplined approach to choosing asset classes as well as individual securities to play different roles in your portfolio based on your specific risk tolerance and your goals. We adjust your portfolio as your situation changes, always looking for a balanced portfolio.
Low-cost Investing
We are very cost conscious when making investment decisions. Costs at all levels will negatively affect portfolio returns. The best way to attack cost is through cost internally generated through products. Here, we focus on fund expense ratios, attempting to provide the lowest possible expense ratios without sacrificing a fund’s quality. We also eliminate all other fund costs we believe add zero value, such as loads and 12b-1 fees.
Open, Ongoing Communication
To make sure your plan stays on track, we keep you informed about your portfolio and stay current on your objectives. We meet regularly with you for performance reviews and on an ad hoc basis as situations change. From our continuing discussions, we adjust our strategy and your portfolio accordingly, based on market dynamics and your evolving needs. We view wealth management as a true partnership.